
News (3576)

The FedEx Matrix

Ever wonder how FedEx processes all those packages? I have, especially when I lived in Memphis close to their hub and listened to planes landing at their facility at all hours. Their amazing processes are described on the CNET site by Daniel Terdiman, but don't neglect to look at the slideshow. Read more...

Time to Referee?

We've all seen it: a couple co-workers are going at one another, and you need to decide whether to stick your nose in or not. Sometimes it may be tempting to just watch them slug it out, but intervention of some sort is usually the better approach. Read more...

Tighten Up Your Planning

Finding parallels between wedding preparations and supply chain planning are right down my alley, since Buzz's daughter is getting hitched in a few weeks. I would think it'd have something to do with writing checks to overpriced service providers, but there's more! Read more...

Visibility Impact of Real-Time Data Sharing

Companies that share real-time demand and inventory information have to be ahead of the game, right? Not necessarily, according to APQC's benchmarking. Read more...

Innovation Learnings From the World Cup

After some serious couch-time watching the World Cup, it's nice to know there are many things that can be learned from it relevant to the business world! Although the US didn't win the whole thing, I would bet we'll be ahead in converting the learnings to action. Read more...

Visibility Supports Planning

Supply chain visibility has many facets. What it means to an inventory planner will differ from what a risk manager perceives it to be. Fabrizio Brasca explains how visibility can be used to support planning and operations in a recent article on the Logistics Viewpoints site. Read more...

Top Initiatives for Supply Chains

In a recent survey, Supply Chain Digest and Gartner looked at this year's top initiatives for supply chains. Anyone who thought visibility has been over-hyped hasn't been paying attention. Read more...

Social Media & the Supply Chain

Social media gets a bad rap in many traditional business circles. Sometimes, it's deserved, but there are some legitimate, and quite useful, ways it can be leveraged to support supply chains. Read more...

Help for Your Procurement Strategy

Well, if you need help formulating and improving your procurement strategy, it's on the way! It seems the major consulting firms (McKinsey, BCG, etc.) are building out their practices to help clients' supply chains. Read more...

Critical Skills for Purchasing

What are the crucial skills needed for purchasing management in the supply chain? Is it manufacturing experience and process knowledge, or other area of expertise? Read more...

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