
News (3576)

Cutting DC Costs

Everyone wants to take cost out of their distribution center operations, but you probably have exhausted all potential sources for savings, right? Well, James A. Cooke on the DC Velocity site has a few ideas you might want to try. Read more...

Supply Chain Talent Development

Talent identification and development for supply chain jobs has been a frequent topic of conversation in this column. However, it seems that most companies focus on just filling the job based on pre-defined criteria without taking into account traits and development that could result in other candidates becoming much more successful. Read more...

Retailers and Procurement Platforms

In an Information Week article, Kate Vitasek touches a nerve when she discusses how big retailers treat their suppliers when 'forcing' them to use specific technologies for transacting business. She provides specific examples and looks at how they can be interpreted by the retailers' suppliers. Read more...

Collaborate with Social Media

Want to get ahead of the curve for a change? Think about using social media to enhance your collaboration with supply chain partners. Although there's not a lot of activity in this area yet, the tools are there to exploit. Read more...

Why You Need PIM

One of the cornerstones of good supply chain management is quality product information. A good PIM will enable the process to keep this vital asset in sync across all partners. Read more...

IoT and Supply Chain Management

As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes ubiquitous, more effects will be noted on supply chain management. However, analytics needs to take a big step forward to make it happen. Read more...

Analytics Advantage to Amazon

A recent study discussed on the Chain Store Age site by Marianne Wilson explains how retailers are falling behind the industry leader in their analytics capabilities. As if Amazon didn't enjoy enough of an advantage on other supply chain capabilities, they're also setting the pace here. Read more...

Working with the Youngsters

Some people find it irritating to have to deal with members of the 'millenials'. Well, it turns out that we can learn a lot from them, even if it still may bother us. Hey, bend a little and it'll be better for everyone! Read more...

Hacker Risks

Adrian Gonzalez, on his Talking Logistics site, describes some scary scenarios involving hackers in the supply chain. There are all kinds of risks to be aware of and to avoid, and this is one that may be under your radar. Read more...

Cloud Changes on the Way

We think it's clear at this point that cloud computing isn't just a buzz-phrase- it's likely to be a permanent part of the landscape. Since that's the case, it's important to stay abreast of where it's heading, short and long term. Read more...

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