
News (3576)

Mobile Technology Use Case

Often, new technology seems like buzzwords or hot air without actual real-life examples of use. Mobile technology has been around for quite awhile, yet many people can't really conceive how it can be utilized in a business scenario. The folks at Spend Matters would like to help, and they've identified a number of 'use cases' for different technologies. Read more...

Challenges for Same-Day Delivery

Same-day delivery continues to be a topic of much interest in the ecommerce and logistics worlds. Whoever cracks the code may end up as a big winner, but there's a lot to do before anyone's at that point. Read more...

The Importance of Vendor Relationships

Dawn Gluskin, on the Electronics Purchasing Strategies site, gives us a 'back to basics' lesson on what's really important in the supply chain. In this technology-driven environment, it's easy to forget that communication and collaboration with partners is critical. Read more...

Next Generation Talent for Supply Chains

Hiring the right people is always a tough task. For the supply chain, it's doubly difficult due to the nature of the roles. How can the next generation of supply chain leaders be educated and identified? Read more...

Sourcing and Procurement Customers

Sourcing and procurement are at the 'tip of the spear' of the supply chain. They have many customers that need to be satisfied, both internally and externally. How will they achieve happiness? Read more...

Sustainability and Branding

Supply chain sustainability has been largely under the radar but is gaining more visibility as companies realize its power. Big brands are pushing sustainability and are making it part of their marketing strategy. Read more...

The Folks Pushing IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the hottest technologies around. As usual, some influential personalities are pushing it forward. Read more...

New Skills Needed for Omnichannel

Retailers, both in the U.S. and the U.K., have plenty of problems attracting the right talent. The rise of the omnichannel consumer has added yet another layer to their challenge. Read more...

Big Data Security

Big Data has exploded on the business scene, and it's a rare day when we don't see an article about some fabulous new benefit of the technology. However, there are many security issues that still must be addressed and managed. Read more...

Distributors and Technology

In an industry (industrial distribution) not known for its cutting edge technology, efficiency and 'the wow factor' are big differentiators. But how do you get there? By using technology, naturally! Read more...

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