
News (3576)

Coexisting with the Robots

As the use of robots increases in the supply chain, it sometimes leaves me wondering what jobs for humans will remain in the future. Robots are indeed part of our future, but the need for skilled labor will always be there. Read more...

EDI ROI Explained

Small and mid-sized companies often find themselves wondering whether to invest in specific types of technology. Fortunately, Hannu Holm on the E-Invocing Platform site takes a shot at instructing us on how to measure the ROI for EDI. Read more...

The Brick and Mortar Future

On the Wall Street Journal site, Shelly Banjo and Paul Ziobro paint somewhat of a grim picture of the future of physical stores. Although there will always be a need for 'brick and mortar' locations, changing consumer tastes and purchasing patterns have forced new store openings to be scaled back. Read more...

Hadoop for the Supply Chain

Unless you've been living in a cave with no wi-fi or cell access, you've probably heard of the Big Data revolution. One of the fundamental tools you've also heard being discussed is, I bet, Hadoop. What is it, and how is it used? Read more...

Fine Tune Your Demand Planning

Demand planning is a fundamental part of the supply chain process, but it isn't always treated that way. If your planning is in need of an overhaul, Spend Matters' Josh Peacher (from the Hackett Group) has a few recommendations. Read more...

Supply Chain COE, Part 2

We recently looked at the concept of supply chain centers of excellence. In the 2nd part of the series, Rich Becks on the EBN site steers us through some best practices he's run across. Read more...

Is Big Data Too Big?

Big data is a good thing, right? That is to say, unless it raises complexity to an untenable level. However, business strategy that takes into account the reduced cost of data and what it can accomplish will win in the future. Read more...

Funding IT Purchases

Everyone's interested in saving money, especially when you're buying technology. There are many ways to overspend, but if you keep some simple guidelines in mind you may be able to keep spending under control. Read more...

Generate Great POI on Your Risk Management

Risk management is too often an afterthought for many companies. Those that do it well, though, often achieve extremely high returns on their investment. Read more...

The Supply Chain COE

Ever heard of a supply chain Center of Excellence? It's an idea whose time has come, according to Rich Becks on the EBN site. Read more...

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