
News (3576)

Purchasing Evolves into Procurement

In a guest article on the Spend Matters site, Jim Kiser of GEP reviews the perception of the procurement function across organizations. Although it's evolving, there's still a ways to go before it becomes strategic. Read more...

Playing the Blame Game

Ever hear of the Swiss Cheese Model? Me neither.... but it seems to do a nice job explaining disruptions that can cripple supply chains. Read more...

Reducing Risk in the Extended Supply Chain

Managing risk in the supply chain is an important topic that sometimes is impeded due to the nature of the extended chain. Asking the right questions of the right players can help pinpoint potential problems. Read more...

3PL Consolidation Continues

In an article on the Forbes site, Robert Bowman explains why 3PLs are getting bigger but fewer in number. What's driving this consolidation trend? Read more...

The Supply Chain Needs Workers

Trends discussed in the recent Gartner conference indicate a need for fresh blood in the supply chain workforce. As the supply chain gains in importance, new roles are created and others become more strategic. The opportunities are certainly out there, especially for women. Read more...

Logistics-Purchasing Integration Needed

A recent report by the University of Tennessee illustrates the need for integration between purchasing and logistics functions in the supply chain. There's a self-assessment tool included in the article on the Supply Chain Digest site as well that can help you see where you're at. Read more...

Supply Chain Segmentation Explained

In an interesting article about what makes high performance supply chains tick, Puneet Saxena on the Supply & Demand Chain Executive site looks at one of the major tenets: supply chain segmentation. Different supply chain strategies to serve different segments of customers based on their value makes great sense. Read more...

Gartner's Top 25 Supply Chains 2014

Every year the researchers at Gartner publish their Top 25 supply chains list, and it seems Apple is always at or near the top, technology companies are highly rated, and everyone complains about the metrics. 2014 is no exception. Read more...

Visibility and Performance in an Omnichannel World

Michael Allen, in a post on the Retail Gazette site, takes a look at recent data from the Retail Systems Research group about omnichannel retail. Forrester has also contributed some analysis he reviews as well. Read more...

What's the Manufacturing Outlook?

The big consulting firm KPMG has produced their 2014 Global Manufacturing Outlook. In case you haven't noticed, complexity for manufacturers is increasing, but that's only one of the challenges. Read more...

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