
News (3576)

What IoT Means to Business

At this point, most folks have heard plenty about the Internet of Things (IoT). The people at MIT are thinking ahead about the coming tsunami of devices and data and are trying to think about how businesses will react. Read more...

Procurement and its Stakeholders

In a guest article on the Spend Matters site, Sanyam Khurana looks at the key metric of procurement and proposes one that might actually make more sense. Saving money is always key, but how it's saved can do a better job articulating value to stakeholders. Read more...

Distribution Technology Survey Results

Supply Chain Digest recently conducted a survey of 150 firms in an attempt to identify and rank the most important distribution-related technologies. Those that garner a lot of press (RFID, robotics) are growing in usage but are not yet very commonplace. Read more...

Supply Chain Software Innovation Needed

Lack of successful innovation to support supply chain needs at big ERP vendors SAP and JDA is bugging Lora Cecere. The opportunities are out there to develop something useful, while companies continue to rely on spreadsheets for many planning activities. Read more...

Logistical Layers

3PLs, 4PLs.... what's the difference? Which logistical functions does each perform and why are they becoming more prevalent? An explanation is in order, and a guest blog on the Supply Chain 247 site takes a shot at telling us the differences. Read more...

Maximizing P2P ROI

In a guest blog on the Spend Matters site, Shannon Lowe explains why automating processes with a P2P solution only takes a company part way to maximizing their savings. Of equal importance is choosing the right partner. Read more...

The State of Supply Chain Risk Planning

Adrian Gonzalez, on his Talking Logistics site, spins through some recent data on supply chain risk management. It's a topic everyone agrees is important, but a surprisingly large number of companies aren't doing enough to address it. Read more...

Amazon's Same Day Delivery Moves

As the competition to crack the code on same-day delivery heats up, Amazon is trying some new things. Will it put them on top? Read more...

Research on Procurement Priorities

The Hackett Group recently presented this year's key issues for procurement, and the results show that priorities are changing. What used to be strictly driven by cost-avoidance is now focusing on issues like supplier innovation. Read more...

Research on Logistics & Purchasing Integration

In an interesting study on the University of Tennessee site, the value of integrating purchasing and logistics is described. Although typically kept in 'silos', even in the largest companies, those who have integrated them are realizing huge benefits. Read more...

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