EDI (114)

EDI ROI Confusion

Further Confusion

While one could think that the Economy was slowly coming back, we’re stopped by indecision with our government officials again resulting in a drop in the stock market of over 500 points last Thursday. With that, many retailers will likely go back to the planning committees to discuss if they should rethink their plans for footprint expansion. If your company has had plans for store expansion and is now putting those on hold, I’ll again remind you that regardless of conditions of the Economy, everyone should always be looking at process improvements. And with that you should be considering starting or expanding trading with your partners electronically.


Is an EDI ROI Just For Retailers, Grocers and Distributors?

two_arrowsI've been writing articles for ec-bp for several years now and most if not all of the articles have been around the value to the buying organizations. Certainly over the years these Buying organizations have been the driver of the electronic trading initiatives; much of that involves achieving an ROI. However the other partners can or are already gaining value or ROI on their side as well.


XML vs EDI, the Saga Continues

groceryEDIIt's been nearly a years since I wrote on the topic of XML as a form of EDI. Over the that time I've received quite a bit of feedback on that article, some of which was around what appeared to my biases on EDI standards. So I thought I'd address XML again.


Managing Order Updates

marlow1111tAs EDI continues to evolve, so does the thought of managing order changes electronically. In January I reported on managing PO changes through the E-Commerce Direct Ship/Drop Ship types of orders and for the last couple years I've commented on the status of communicating changes to a open order in general, so I thought it might be time for an update.


Go International

scotlandAs I’ve just returned from a trip to Scotland, what topic could be timelier than international EDI? It was tough enough communicating over there with both ‘sender’ and ‘receiver’ using English (we figured that if we could identify one out of five words being spoken to us, we stood a good chance of figuring out the message. That’s generally not a good approach in business). It’s exponentially more difficult when two different languages are involved. The good news is that there are already standard ‘languages’, such as X.12, EDIFACT, and XML, that can streamline the process of document exchange between partners across the world. Read more...

EDI and XML: It's Inevitable

edixml2I had a chance to review the results and comments from the survey ec-bp.org ran related to the topic of EDI vs. XML. Although some of the questions were a little ambiguous and could have been tightened up a bit, the survey was able to provide answers that are pretty reflective of the state of inter-company electronic transacting. The results weren’t very surprising and seem to confirm a couple basic facts: Read more...

How Do You Know?

A-Team-2010Back in the day, it used to be enough for the EDI team to function as sort of a utility, like the power company or the water department. The only time anyone heard EDI mentioned was if something ‘blew up’ in its processes or if a crucial piece of data didn’t make it from point A to point B. That world may still exist in some companies, but as more and more business is handled electronically in real-time, and as EDI becomes the backbone for making that happen, it has become increasingly important to get a better handle on how the process is performing.


Showing the True Benefit of EDI to the Bottom Line

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 18:  In this handout imag...

Few would argue that expanding an organization’s EDI and electronic commerce program is not a worthwhile endeavor, but in the current environment of tight corporate budgets, how does the IT staff convince senior management to not cut the budget for EDI initiatives but rather increase those funds?


The Case for EDI ROI - It Depends

martz-ROIthLet’s face it: the more money you want to spend, the more likely it is that a solid ROI will be needed by the business to provide funding. If you’re talking about spending a million dollars implementing EDI software and building an EDI team, trust me, you’ll need one. It’s more of a grey area when you’re planning to do the bare minimum to satisfy a customer EDI mandate or even to implement additional partners onto an existing platform.  I think there are a limited number of scenarios you should consider when looking at ROI requirements, including:


Which Tool Belt Do I Need?

toolbeltOver the last twenty years, gains in technology have allowed many doors to open that were previously impenetrable such as instant worldwide communication, data transfer, and begun the road to a true worldwide marketplace. This explosion has not left the EDI department alone but has instead flung that proverbial door wide open so many different functional areas within an organization are intimately tied to the global EDI process.


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