

Conference Insights

Those of us who have attended industry conferences know that along with the glitz and fine food (?), you can pick up some real, usable nuggets of information. At last month's Kinaxis affair, Dr. Madhav Durbha made the rounds and has summarized his learnings in an article on the 21st Century Supply Chain site. Read more...

Standards for IoT on the Way?

In the 'Good News for a Change' category, we learn that solid progress toward a set of standards for IoT has been made. A global group has developed a framework and is working closely with various other groups across the world to come up with a plan for interoperability. Read more...

2016 Economic Numbers

The economic data is beginning to firm up for the 2016 year and it was truly a mixed bag. Overall growth for the US continues to be slow, yet some sectors (such as oil) have seen real improvement and some individual companies, like Amazon, enjoyed a huge year. Read more...

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