Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

IBM on Two Fronts

faruk kaymak 599961 unsplashIBM has made two big announcement recently. One is a technology play that brings brings cloud computing up another level and the other is one that brings blockchain technology to reality for the supply chain. While both are independent from a business standpoint they will inevitibly come together in ways that may not be obvious at the moment.


Get a handle on big data and make your supply chain top of its class

big dataBig data has the potentials to be of great benefits to an organization. It is much more than just data; rather it is an engine that boosts the performance of an organization in a stable, seamless, and sustainable way. Big data brings your supply chain a broad view of all happenings while at the same time narrowing them down to serve each customer’s specific need.


Voice is the new interface

voice recognitionIf you have an Amazon Alexa or Google Home device in your home or office it’s no surprise that voice command has become powerful and accurate. But for the most part voice is still part of the consumer realm. Part of the reason may be because enterprises are not entirely comfortable allowing voice control of orders and process at the scale of business. But it seems that the trend is expanding as companies like HighJump and other supply chain software providers explore adding capabilities to their platforms.


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