Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 25 seconds's Best of 2014

In reviewing the stats, we have yet another mixed bag. By a wide margin, our single most viewed article was Ken Kinlock’s “Where Will EDI Go- When VANs No Longer Interconnect” (read it HERE), a summary of how EDI processes are affected by an ongoing business dispute between two large players. Ken also mined the same topic for his “Recommended Next Steps for Open Text” blog (read HERE), which was also one of the top articles of the year.
Tami Kamin Meyer hit the sweet spot on a couple articles related to the e-invoicing topic: “Costa Rica Restarts E-Invoicing” (read HERE) and “Number of European E-Invoices Skyrockets” (read HERE). E-invoicing is obviously a topic that affects a lot of us and will only grow in importance as more government and hub mandates go into effect. Tami has written several other well-received articles on this topic that you should also check out.
Our editor, Scott Koegler, penned a great story about WalMart’s efforts to bring manufacturing back to the US, “Walmart’s $250B Push". You may or may not like how Walmart goes about its business and it has its share of high-profile detractors for a number of different reasons, but they do provide leadership in efforts like this one. Check it out HERE.
Lastly, the prolific Ken Kinlock contributed a number of articles related to supply chain control towers, a couple of which ended up on our ‘Best of’ list for this year. Both “Supply Chain Intelligence: Utilizing the Services Hub” (read HERE) and “Supply Chain Intelligence: Using Your Visibility (2 parts)” (read HERE and HERE) are worthwhile reads that can help you understand the growth in this aspect of supply chain technology. Ken has covered this topic like a rug and several of his other articles on control towers are likewise extremely informative.
So, what conclusions can we draw about our readers interests? Well, when our most popular articles are those related to VANs, electronic invoicing, and control towers, it seems to me that bread and butter EDI/electronic commerce operational topics are still top of mind for a lot of folks. For as much as we like to write and read about futuristic developments and hot technologies, the basic blocking and tackling subjects often click with the practitioners in our arena. We’ll do our best to keep them coming in the new year, but we’ll also try to keep you up to date on the many exciting developments that will shape supply chains and electronic commerce for years to come.
Happy Holidays!
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