Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Logistics Can Be Complex; Deal With It

Leaders in the logistics sector cite the ever-increasing complexity of the supply chain as the main challenge they encounter. This is true considering the changes that we often see in this sector. For instance, there was a time when distribution was local from local producers or the delivery was done by rail or interstate highway. However, the requirements that logistics operations and operators face today are much more complex than ever. Furthermore, the expectations from the customers have evolved significantly. In a more globalized supply chain that we have today and trade routes keep advancing, the logistics and supply chain companies have no option but to change their tactics. Here is what modern supply chain companies, managers, and logistics firms need to do to cope with the ever-increasing complexity in their respective industries. 


Things Are Changing in Your Supply Chain

Over the past year, the coronavirus pandemic has ravaged the world and adversely impacted almost every industry and economy in general. While there have been many challenges that came with the pandemic, there is a brighter side. The good thing is that the pandemic brought changes that will be helpful to businesses and different industries for years to come. One industry that has seen significant, pandemic-driven changes in the supply chain sector.


Overcrowded Supply Chains Are a Real Problem

When everything runs smoothly at our ports, companies will get their goods at the right time, logistics firms will adhere to their promises to the customers and buyers will get their items in a predictable, timely and reliable manner. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In many instances, there are supply chain disruptions caused by overcrowding, weather problems, and geopolitical problems. When you add the global pandemic into the mix, things take a new turn for the worst. With all these challenges, consumers are expected to increase in the future. Also, the amount of goods being shipped from overseas, mainly China, is expected to grow.  With this increase in demand, there is a likelihood of port congestion.


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