
Supply (197)

Planning for 2020 Holiday Supply Chain

Holiday planning is underway as many businesses grapple with supply chain logistics due to the Covid-19. Experts predict that a majority of purchases will be made online as opposed to in stores – leading retail stores to rethink how they hire seasonal employees and stock their shelves.


What's Keeping 3D Printing From Impacting the Supply Chain?

 The ever-rising customer demand is disrupting all sectors of the economy, leading to innovation among those who are in the supply chain and manufacturing sectors. Unlike a decade ago when customers would place an order and wait for a week or even a month, customers today are impatient. They place an order that should be delivered as fast as possible. This has been occasioned by the increased competition in the manufacturing industry and supply chain, as well as increased customer awareness. For example, with the rising number of companies such as Alibaba and Amazon, customers have become choosy and tend to purchase their products based on the time it takes for them to receive their item. For these customers to be satisfied and stay competitive in the current marketplace, companies are now investing in 3D printing technologies to come up with products fast and ship it to the customer at an acceptable time.


New Learnings about Supply Chains during Crisis

One of the leading topics of discussion that has emerged in almost every circle during the COVID-19 pandemic is the supply chain and the need to rethink this industry in general. The disruption of operations in this industry has also reiterated the need to deploy digitization and use virtual inventories. Using the approaches will encourage organizations to rethink their approach to supply chain and enhance their efficiency even during the time of difficulty as it is the case currently.


COVID-19 Vaccine is Useless without a Global Supply Chain

The coronavirus pandemic has turned the world upside down. As a result, the economy and everything else is feeling its impacts. One of the areas that have been hit significantly is the supply chain. With the social distancing and lockdown measures implemented in different countries in different regions, the movement of goods has encountered bottlenecks that have never been experienced before. With the rates of infection now increasing by the day, governments and different agencies are rushing to develop a viable vaccine that will protect millions of people around the world from death occasioned by the virus.


Food Chain is Being Addressed by the FDA

The U.S Food and Drug Administration is coming up with a New Era Smarter Food Safety. This is a strategic blueprint that is aimed at protecting the nation’s food supply by building on over a decade of old-fashioned Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This marks a new beginning in the safety of food with regard to the adoption of technology and other tools to make the supply chain not only traceable but transparent as well. It aims at reducing the illnesses that are caused by food by enhancing traceability, improving response to outbreaks, enhancing predictive analytics. It also seeks to address the changing business models and establish strong food safety cultures.


Supply Chain Deficiencies are highlighted by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly exposed the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in global supply chains. It has demonstrated the dangers of relying on a single supply chain route and manufacturing facilities situated in one country for almost everything. As the virus continues pounding the world’s economies, the modern supply chain has been shown as having been built on shaky grounds. This has resulted in businesses and industries struggling to get the necessary materials needed during the crisis. The escalation of the pandemic has put what was seen decades ago as a supply chain process with few hitches under a test and has emerged as seriously flawed.


Supply Chain Revolution is Coming

The supply chain has evolved significantly over the past few years. However, the current developments caused by the coronavirus pandemic have made the changes even faster than it had been anticipated. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered many things starting from product suppliers, strategies all the way to supply routes. According to a study by Ocean Insights, coronavirus pandemic could result in greater collaboration and technological innovations across this industry than ever before. According to the study, 42% of the shipping and freight professionals are likely to change their supply chain strategies. Of these professionals, 67% see investment in technology as an area that will substantially alter their operations after the pandemic.


Supply Chain Requires Attention Now

No matter the industry or company that you work in, be it an expanding corporation or a small enterprise, the fortunes and success in operations are linked in one way or another to the performance of the supply chain. Therefore, if you want success in your business, you have to ensure the supply chain works effectively. With COVID-19 now ravaging many industries and dealing the biggest ever blow to movement of goods and services, the supply chain requires attention now more than ever.


Businesses Brace for as Much as Six Months Disruption

Companies around the world are now bracing themselves for massive disruptions expected from the effects of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This is according to a recent study carried out by CNBC Global CFO Council. The report states that things will not return to normal at least for three to six months. The study found that the pandemic has had a far-reaching effect on the supply chain leading to adverse impacts on overall business operations. Other areas that have been extremely affected apart from the supply chain are IT resources, strategic planning, and human resources, most of whom have lost a lot to the disease.


Supply Chain is Circular - What Does that Mean?

The supply chain is one of the industries that the world cannot live without considering the critical role it plays in ensuring humans get their needs regardless of where they come from or where they are. As growth continues being felt in the supply chain, various innovations continue coming in to improve service provision and reduce the misuse of resources. One of the latest attempts is to make supply chain circular. But what is a circular supply chain? According to Gartner, a circular economy is an economy that encourages reuse as a way of ensuring economic growth. As natural resources continue dwindling, recycling is one of the widely championed initiatives expected to ensure minimum waste of resources. So, circular supply chain is where recycling and reuse of scrapped products is advocated.


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