Marlow Atticus

Marlow Atticus

Ecommerce and EDI - Expanded

cartI want to use this article to expanded further on my article in November and December regarding Ecommerce (Vendor Direct to Consumer) by exploring two areas that are inherent to Direct/Drop ship and that’s manage Changes and Returns.


ASN - The Most Valuable EDI Document

asnDebate continues about whether the ASN is of enough value that it deserves being supported. In my findings, the ASN is probably the single most important document in the supply chain process. ROI for the ASN is estimated from $5 when used for simple confirmation purposes to as much as $50 when used for visibility and automated receiving. All EDI transactions have their individual ROI, however most do not have the scope of impact on multiple departments that the ASN has. Below are typical values -



Is Supplier Portal really Electronic Trading

portalMore and more, I’m hearing about Retailers or other buying organizations that either have, are in the process of implementing, or are looking at investing in a supplier portal service for electronic trading. Certainly there may be some need for something like this, however I would caution those organizations to truly look at the value that you as the Retailer or Sponsor of this technology are gaining with this investment. I’ve addressed this topic a few times in the past but wanted to make sure that those companies going down this path are making an informed decision. Below are reasons for thinking about Supplier portal – Read more...

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