Comparing You With...

performanceWOW, looking at the calendar I'm amazed at how fast this year has already gone... it's nearly the middle of the year already. For many of you, your well into your 2012 projects so here's hoping all is going according to plan.

Payment automation and unintended consequences

payment"The Payoff" and, more generally, ec-bp, advocate automation and related supply-chain efficiencies; our general attitude is that "trimming the fat" is always a good thing. That's why we explain the latest techniques in EDI (electronic data interchange) and ERP (enterprise resource planning), and how to make the most of them.


Who's Your Customer?

Customer Testimonial-resized-600 Everyone talks about the customer. They complain about customer service, wonder what their customer is thinking, and worry about customer impact. The funny thing is, a lot of times we eCommerce/EDI professionals don’t even know who our customer is. Because we’re always ‘in the middle’, it’s not always clear.


B2B ECommerce

ECommerce continues to grow, but what's its hottest segment? B2B, of course!


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