Cameron Laird

Cameron Laird

E-Commerce Data Feeds - What's Expected

iStock 000019549761XSmallYou opened the doors to your store ten years ago, or maybe twenty. You've taken good care of your customers, and have built your business through the years to where it reliably grosses five million annually, or perhaps thirty million. You've dipped your toe in the Internet pool, contracted for a good-looking e-commerce site, and like the way that's already taking off for you. How do you make your e-tailing a success that expands your business to "the next level", not a distraction that harms your reputation and wastes your best managers' time?


Amazon Grows Up, Pays Use Tax (2)

amazontaxOne of Amazon's advantages over physical retailers has been that its sales have largely been free of state sales tax. That just changed.


Explosive innovation

explosive innovationKeeping up with payment system news, even that part of it restricted to North America, is more than a full-time job. So much has happened recently, though, that it's time for a survey of recent highlights:


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