Cameron Laird

Cameron Laird

Google Wallet: High Risk, High Reward

200px-Google-Wallet-logo.svgGoogle Wallet has a lot to overcome. Not even a year old as of this writing, it has already weathered enough bad news to capsize less well-supported projects. Google continues to invest in it, though, and seems committed to sticking with Wallet until it succeeds.


JCPenney "all-in": RFID, M-POS, Self-Checkout, More

selfcheckoutJCPenney (JCP) CEO Ron Johnson promised to build on his successes as a retailer at Target and Apple to re-fashion the long-faltering department chain. Whether he's eventually judged successful or not, credit Johnson for a serious effort.


Innovation at check-out

checkoutline"I hate waiting in checkout lines" has its own Facebook page. So does "I Hate Self Checkout!!!" Are your customers stuck in those negative vibes?


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