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OpenText, GXS, and ECGrid

opentext lorenWe've voiced our opinion regarding the policies and actions that both GXS and ECGrid (Loren Data) have been maneuvering around over the last several months. In our last blog we recommended that GXS, through its new management (OpenText) revise its stance and not discontinue its long standing relationship that allows ECGrid to connect its supply chain customers through GXS' VAN.

An announcement from Loren Data states that "OpenText has agreed to continue exchanging data with Loren Data and has rescinded the disconnection." We expect this is good news not only for Loren Data, but also for that company's customers who have invested significant time and effort in implementing a stable environment for their supply chain transactions. 

We also think the action is a positive move for OpenText and GXS, and a possible move toward a new set of tools that make for a more visible and interactive supply chain. I offered my own thoughts on the positive side of OpenText's acquisition of GXS here and this latest change in direction seems to be one more reason to hope that things are progressing toward more and better use of the wealth of technological tools available in our industry.
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Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

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