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Gumby or a Stick Figure?

gumby2Seems EDI has been around forever and a day, even longer than me!  But cXML, xCBL, XML and PIDX to name a few, were absentee acronyms a dozen or so years ago!

I was already in the EDI space for several years when the introduction of other language protocols started to emerge.  I witnessed transactions related to the new protocol appear as it transitioned through various phases of maturity.  Notably it started with the transmission of a purchase order, followed some years later by an invoice, followed some years later by a purchase order acknowledgment.  Personally, I believe the next transaction to debut is the Advanced Ship Notice, but will have to wait and see!

The eProcurement space is continuing to grow rapidly.  Language protocols continue to emerge.  Those interested can check Wikipedia.  There are 39 industry specific XML-based standards listed as of today.  Along with the new protocol, the most popular transaction sets will emerge as maturity sets in, as well.

As I have hired individuals for various positions in the eProcurement space, one extremely important trait I would look for was adaptability to change.  I was quite frank when speaking about this subject.  “What you are doing today will not be what you will be doing in six months. Nor six months later will it be the same” Anyone who has worked for me has thanked me for being blunt, as they found it to be so true.

To survive in this growing industry, flexibility in adapting is crucial.  You may fully understand EDI and its nuances.  You may fully understand cXML and its nuances.  You are able to develop maps to support the various transaction sets for EDI and cXML.  You have met your goals of being the best.  Everything is a bit easier now!  Now another new protocol comes along.  Are you going to embrace it, or become frustrated with it?

I have always spun it positively. The ability to learn has come knocking on our door!  How many in their careers can honestly be subject to the ability to grow and expand in their positions like we are able?   But even spinning it positively will not net the results of a successful person in this environment unless they believe it themselves, and are always up for the new challenge. 

So as you think about yourself in the eProcurement space, are you a Gumby or are you a Stick Figure?  It could very well define your success in this space moving forward.  Something to think about……..

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