Tami Kamin Meyer

Tami Kamin Meyer

West Coast Port Strike Could Damage U.S. Economy

Los-Angeles-portWhile the West Coast port strike may shave one percent off the fourth quarter’s GDP when numbers are revealed February 27, the short-term impacts of the work stoppage are easier to measure. Countless goods, such as fresh fruit ready for shipment to Asia and festive décor to celebrate the Chinese New Year, languished in warehouses, docks and cargo ships at 29 ports on the U.S. West Coast, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle. The reason? A nine-month contract dispute between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which represents 20,000 workers, and their employers, the Pacific Maritime Association.


Electronic Invoicing Is Hot In Chile

ChileIt’s been just over two months since electronic invoicing became mandatory in Chile, but statistics show the new practice has caught on like wildfire.


Electronic Invoicing On Rapid Uptick

e-invoicingIf the state of the electronic invoicing industry is gauged on Invoiceware International, the leader in Latin American e-invoicing and fiscal reporting, then there’s no question mobile payment systems are revolutionizing the way people do business. Read more...

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