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Michelle LaBrosse

Michelle LaBrosse

ROI: Connecting Talk to Action

image002There’s a lot of talk about ROI, the infamous return on investment.  The question is how can you personally generate ROI in your own life? Read more...

What Does Sustainability Have to Do with You?

Like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Sim needs an...
Sustainability is one of the “buzz words” du jour.  You can’t pick up an article or turn on the news without hearing it.  So, I got to thinking about what sustainability means on an individual level – not from a purely ecological perspective but from a humanistic perspective. Read more...

Making Change Stick

stickAre you tired of hearing people say the only constant is change?  I think we all need to keep saying it to remind ourselves we have to always be ready to keep changing.  Here’s the rub:  how do we make change stick?  How can you, as a project manager, use your skills to create business processes that have staying power? Read more...

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