two_arrowsI've been writing articles for ec-bp for several years now and most if not all of the articles have been around the value to the buying organizations. Certainly over the years these Buying organizations have been the driver of the electronic trading initiatives; much of that involves achieving an ROI. However the other partners can or are already gaining value or ROI on their side as well.

If you've been a partner that has been forced into supporting an electronic trading program with your customer you may disagree with my statement that there indeed is value to you. In working with many  retailers' supplier bases, many initially indicated their opinion on these requirements. However as more and more of their customers have requested an electronic trading program be implemented, they have come to realize that they have, in a round-about way, achieved value. Many have seen improvements in their operations with regard to resources allocation, increased business with those partners, and a willingness to expand to a more collaborative relationship. For those that are still on the fence, let me layout a couple of things that I've heard -

ROI for suppliers

So, you're a supplier that has implemented automation with your customers; are you aware you can reach out to more and more of your customer to trade electronically making better use of what you've already  invested? SaaS or Cloud based processes are not restricted the larger Retailers and can be utilized with smaller partners as well, thus allowing you to further leverage what you are already using. In addition, even a supplier of a retailer has their own supply chain. Every company should be looking at both ends of their supply chain... not just those that require a new process.

With the technology available these days there is no reason any partner within a supply chain could not participate in an automation process. Have you looked at both sides of your business? Are there opportunities your missing? Something to think about!

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